SmartBetDemo is the ultimate solution for creating and selling sports prediction applications, designed to engage users, manage subscriptions, and generate revenue.
Unlock all the essential tools you need to create and sell your sports prediction app efficiently.
Fully customize the app to fit your branding, design, and prediction needs.
Manage your users, track subscriptions, and automate payments with ease.
Increase revenue with subscription plans, in-app ads, and more monetization tools.
Engage users with instant alerts for tips, match updates, and offers.
Support multiple payment options, ensuring seamless and secure transactions.
Access historical data, team statistics, and AI-driven insights for better predictions.
Export user and match prediction data for analysis or record-keeping.
Communicate with users directly from the admin panel, improving customer support.
Mobile-optimized for a seamless user experience across all devices.
Getting started with SmartBetDemo is simple and straightforward.
Own a professional sports prediction platform today! Here's how it works:
Get instant access to your fully developed sports prediction app after a successful payment. No coding required.
Follow our easy step-by-step guide to configure your app, customize features, and integrate payment options effortlessly.
Start your prediction business, attract users, manage subscriptions, and generate revenue with a seamless system.
Watch the videos below to see how SmartBetDemo works and how to install the app on your platform.
Select the plan that fits your needs, and start monetizing your sports prediction app today.
₦300,000 ₦150,000
Access the full sports prediction app package
Price: Negotiable
Get a tailored version to fit your unique needs. Let's discuss!
Please fill out the form below, and our sales team will get back to you.
Please fill out the form below, and our sales team will get back to you.